“I had only five treatments and my food allergies went away.”

Eight years ago, I came to see Dr. Timothy Yeh with bad allergies, a problem that I had for 20 years. I was allergic to food. I had only five treatments and my food allergies went away. I am happy with my results and I have gladly referred my relatives to him.

Thank you.

January 30, 1997


“The most wonderful miracle is that there is no more stoach pain.”

This, I share to help others. I am a retired teacher. A lifetime “scourge” for me was my stomach aches. In 1985, I had to have stomach surgery for a peptic ulcer. I was very ill for a year and had a medication to heal the ulcer before finally consenting to surgery.

Even as my stomach was healing, never could I sleep from 3:00 or 4:00 am on – my stomach hurt so very much. So, my doctor gave me a prescription to stop the stomach nerves from pumping gastric juices while sleeping. But even with that prescription, after eating certain foods and after meals (except breakfast), I almost always had diarrhea and, of course, there were many foods my stomach just would not tolerate. I love salads, even without dressing, but that was a definite no-no. And of course, I could have no dairy products or whole wheat bread, no fruit juices, and no sweets or chocolate.

Having heard about Dr. Tim and Dr. Pearl Yeh – I thought I would try acupuncture. She did the computer test to find the areas of distress. I am currently taking the acupuncture treatments and herbs. The most wonderful “miracle” is that there is no more stomach pain: I can eat almost all things, even bananas, and no more horrid diarrhea (no more rush to find a rest room fast).

Praises to Dr. Tim and Dr. Pearl for their miracle touch. I feel healed and normal again.

November 18, 1990