“Thank God for Natural Medicine!”
From childhood, I have had continuous health problems. As an adult, I have undergone various surgeries and have constantly been in different medications. In 1974 I was once again hospitalized. A vagotomy was performed and half of my stomach removed. At this time I was told that this operation would solve all my health problems. However after my surgery, my problems became even greater. I steadily grew weaker, gained weight, developed diarrhea, eye problems and grew increasingly nervous.
In 1983, medical doctors told me that I have a liver condition and suggested a biopsy. I consulted another doctore who ran a CTscan which showed the presence of gall stones and a very enlarged liver which was expanding my rib cage, causing me discomfort. I was then advised that my gall bladder needed to be removed.
At this time, I learned of the work of Dr. Yeh when he bagan treating my son who was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. His improvement had been remarkable. In my heart I could not handle another surgery or continue with the fruitless efforts of the doctors I been seeing. When I asked my son if Dr. Yeh could help me, he answered that he was sure Dr. Yeh could help me.
Although I was skeptical beause of past experiences, I felt a special sense of confidence in Dr. Yeh as he explained that with the herbs, diet and God’s guidance, he could help me. With my first step in faith and hope, I began changing my diet, taking my herbs, and carefully following Dr. Yeh’s directions. Today, with the help of God and Dr. Yeh, I am now completely cured, a fact which has been verified by my medical doctor. I am continuing Dr. Yeh’s treatment with herbs and diet. I am now drug free and have more energy, and am happier than ever before.
Wilma S.
“The gallstone disappeared after one treatment of herbal medicine.”
I had a gallstone beginning to form in my gallbladder. Doctors were preparing me for operation to remove it, but after coming to Dr. Yeh, the gallstone disappeared after one treatment of herbal medicine. Now I still have my gallbladder with no gallstone. The ultrasound proved its gone!
Thank You, Dr. Yeh!
At 4 pm on Dec. 4, 2010, my wife rushed me to the emergency room. I had been up all night with nearly unbearable pain in my stomach. (It was my 3rd such attack in 12 days). After many hours in the hospital, the doctor came in and told me I had gallstones, and would have to have my gallbladder removed.
I asked him if there was less severe approach that we could try first. I’m not crazy about the idea of having perfectly good organs cut out of me. But he assured me this was the only option. I instantly thought of Dr. Yeh. In the past, when my Kaiser doctors wanted to put me on drugs for the rest of my life, Dr. Yeh used natural medicine to help me with both depression and high blood pressure. So I made an appointment and went to see him.
Dr. Yeh started me on a program of acupuncture and medicinal herbal teas, along with a no-fat diet. It has been over two months and the results have been nothing short of amazing. Best of all, I still have my gall bladder. I have not had any more attacks. I’ve lost over 25 lbs. I’m sleeping better and I feel better than I have in years. My wife and I are both eating healthier, and the gallstones are slowly being dissolved and will eventually pass. I had also been seeing a chiropractor regularly because of back problems, but as a result of my treatments, my back is now fine. As i tell various people how much Dr. Yeh has helped me, I’ve been amazed at how many stories I’ve heard from others who have also been treated by Dr. Yeh and were helped by him too.
I’m so thankful to have a doctor I can truly trust, someone who understands how our bodies work and knows how to use natural methods to bring healing. And most importantly, I’m thankful to have a doctor who truly cares about helping people live healthy lives, both physically and spiritually.
Rick J.
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
March 07, 2011