Hair Falling Out
When I first came to the Yeh Center of Natural Medicine in November 1999 (3 months ago), my hair was falling out and the color was very dull. I began using Dr. Pearl’s Alpha shampoo and now my hair is fuller. I have been getting compliments on my hair from friends and family members, and they do not even know that I am using Dr. Pearl’s shampoo. I have also noticed that less hair has been falling out, and it shines a lot more. I am happy with the results, and I would recommend this product to others.
Gray Hair
Everyone should try this system of natural medicine! I have more energy and I feel better. In two short months, taking only a few recommended vitamin supplements and changing my dietary habits, I’ve watched my graying hair change back to its normal blond color. I can’t wait to see what comes next when I start the acupuncture program that Dr. Yeh has recommended!!
Hair Color
The treatments I received at Dr. Yeh’s clinic has been so beneficial. My body is strengthened and I have even noticed the color of my hair changing. Its gone from silver to gray to a darker gray color and the hair underneath is black. Big change! God is good to us and we praise Him and will keep the Yeh clinic in our daily prayers.
New Hair Growth
Three and a half years ago, I was diagnosed with an illness that did not allow me to stand or walk. For my condition, I first went to see my general practitioner and was given vitamin B shots and a multivitamin drink. My condition did not improve. Also, since the age of 23, I have suffered from hair loss. My family is bald on the male and female sides.
When I came to the Yeh Center of Natural Medicine, I could not walk or stand and I was in pain. My wife’s father, a Christian, referred me to the Yeh Center. He was dying and seeing him get better amazed me. After an evaluation by Dr. Yeh, I received acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition guidelines, and dietary guidelines. I also attended the classes.
Since receiving the treatments, my pain has lessened, I feel stronger, and I have more energy. Also, I have experienced new hair growth on both sides and on top of my head. I am happy with the results 200% and am totally amazed.
The staff is very good, and they treated me very well. The medical team is kindhearted and knowledgeable. I have more confidence in herbal medicine due to the idea that I am feeling better, and I see the results for me. I believe that one day I will walk without a walker, and that is my prayer. My friends and relatives also see the results and the improvements in my health. I have color in my face, I look better, I am now more outgoing, and I am growing hair. Natural medicine is tremendous and I would recommend it 200%!
“…about two and a half months after I started taking it, I noticed that my gray hair started to turn a darker gray.”
I have been adding 30 Ingredients Cereal to my morning oatmeal cereal for about five months. It had boosted my immune system and I feel a lot better. I was surprised that about two and a half months after I started taking it. I noticed that my gray hair started to turn a darker gray. I am 66 years old.
I started to get some gray hair when I was in high school, so by now all my hair was almost white. It has been a slow gradual change.
My husband is also adding it to his morning cereal and his gray hair is getting darker. Thanks to Dr. Yeh and his natural medicine. God Bless Drs. Timothy and Pearl Yeh and their staff.
December 27, 1996
“I do not need to dye my hair anymore, because my natural hair color is back!”I was getting gray hairs all over my head especially on the sides of my head. They were really noticeable so I began dying and coloring my hair frequently.
A year and a half ago, I met Drs. Timothy and Pearl Yeh. I began to take the 30 Ingredients Cereal along with Kinako Plus Female Cereal. Since then, my hair has gradually gotten darker and darker. I do not need to dye my hair anymore, because my natural hair color is back.
I also have menopause syndrome, due to hysterectomy. I had hot flashes and severe headaches. Since I have been taking the Female Essential and Kinako Plus Female Cereal along with other prescribed supplements and some minor dietary changes, I have not had the hot flashes or severe headaches anymore. I really believe in natural medicine and natural foods.
Rohnert Park
March 18, 1997