“All pain are gone!…Together, we lost 52 pounds in 5 weeks!”
Pains in my chest started a three month “adventure” with our modern medicine. My regular doctor had shrugged his shoulder and prescribed a medicine that gave no results. I went to see Drs. Timothy and Pearl Yeh and they treated the intense pain I had been experiencing for three days. Within hours of seeing the Yehs, the pain in my chest was totally relieved. Dr. Yeh then advised me that the pains I had been experiencing were just a manifestation of what the real problem was. I had also had a fast weight gain of ten pounds within the last month, feeling sick to my stomach, and feeling very fatigued.
Sure enough, within a week I was experiencing pains in my stomach and then my lower abdomen. The pains were so intense that I could not stand and could barely get enough breath or energy to utter a word. In trying to find the reason for my illness the Western doctors gave me numerous tests. I was told a different diagnosis every visit, which was turning out to be twice a week. I still was going to Dr. Yeh for acupuncture treatments twice a week and every time was feeling a progression of relief.
To make a long story shorter, I never did get a true diagnosis for my medical problem from the Western doctors. I had a gynecologist look at my test results and he refuted the other doctor’s diagnosis. Needless to say, I now have little faith in Western medicine and the term “practicing medicine” is literally what it implies. After approximately ten to twelve weeks of treatments from Dr. Yeh, I felt like a new person, better than I had for years. All pains are gone!
I changed several of my eating habits while under Dr. Yeh’s care and even started his diet plan. Within 5 weeks both my husband, Pastor Steve Seelig, and I each had lost 26 pounds!! We were elated, but most of all praised God for giving us the Yehs to help us not only medically but also spiritually, knowing that God could heal me from whatever infections I had. The Yehs’ great belief in God is uplifting and their servant-like attitudes are sincere. The Yehs serve God through helping others with their medical knowledge and I know that if it hadn’t been for their care and the prayers of my church family, I would have landed in the hospital for several weeks. I praise God for the Yehs!
Carlsbad, California
“Visiting your clinic was a very positive step in my life.”
I want to tell you that your herb tea has helped my headaches tremendously and the sourness in my stomach stays away as long as I use the tea. This is such a big help to me. I thank the Lord that you came to our country and are helping people like me who have been sick and could not find help.
Visiting your clinic was a very positive step in my life. God bless you and your lovely family.
I also want to say to you that I do hope that the loneliness that you must feel at times for your country is softened by time. The Lord is good and we are so happy to have you here.
“The most wonderful “miracle” is that there is no more stomach pain”
This I share to help others. I am a retired teacher. A lifetime “scourge” for me was my stomach aches. In 1985, I had to have stomach surgery for a peptic ulcer. I was very ill for a year and had medication to heal the ulcer, before finally consenting to surgery.
Even as my stomach was healing, never could I sleep from 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. on – my stomach hurt so very much. So my doctor gave me a prescription to stop the stomach nerves from pumping gastric juices while sleeping. But even with that prescription, after eating certain foods and after meals (except breakfast), I almost always had diarrhea and of course there were many foods my stomach just would not tolerate. I love salads, even without dressing, but that was a definite no-no. And of course I could have no dairy products or whole wheat bread, no fruit juices, and no sweets or chocolate.
Having heard about Dr. Tim and Dr. Pearl Yeh – I thought I would try acupuncture. She did the computer test to find the areas of distress. I am currently taking the acupuncture treatments and herbs. The most wonderful “miracle” is that there is no more stomach pain; I can eat most all things, even bananas, and no more horrid diarrhea (no more rush to find a rest room fast).
Praises to Dr. Tim and Dr. Pearl for their miracle touch. I feel healed and normal again.