“I am a modern day miracle.”
In July of 1984, deep vein thrombosis began in my legs. I was admitted to the V.A. Hospital, Fargo, North Dakota. After two months treatment with IV Heparin, Ringer’s solutions, and Coumadin, my veins opened up well enough to discharge me. Later when my leg turned dark and swollen, I would make a poultice of comfrey around my lower leg. This reduced the swelling and seemed to be healing. The doctor told me to keep on taking my Coumadin and be very careful about over doing or they would have to cut my leg off.
March continue 1988, I moved to Oceanside, and went to Stanford University in San Francisco, to the Medical Research Department, who were experimenting with lasers to clear obstructed blood vessels. They told me they could not treat veins because the valves in the veins would be destroyed also. I used the V.A. Hospital in San Diego to manage my Coumadin levels for about three years. A younger new V.A. doctor saw me on a Thursday and said he was up on the latest Coumadin treatments and was going to lower my Coumadin. That scared me because my leg was sore, swollen and dark in color; I could not sleep at night and suffered all day with constant pain.
The following Sunday I met Dr. Yeh who was opening an office in Vista. He started me on herbal tea, acupuncture, and four kinds of natural pills for my internal organs. I was diabetic, had an enlarged prostate, my veins were shot in my legs and I weighed 265 pounds. In 1955, when I was 31 years old, my hands and fingers had become numb and tingly and remained that way all through the following years. At times I was walking around with a blood sugar of 300 mg per cc. and the doctor had given me high blood pressure pills. My arthritis was so bad, I had obtained an electric chair to lift me up and down.
I was dangerous for me to drive to San Diego so I decided to use my HMO doctor to manage my Coumadin. I told the doctor what Dr. Yeh was doing for me and he called Dr. Yeh a quack.
Soon after he cut my Coumadin down and my clotting time returned to near normal. About 5:00 a.m. on Moray morning clots formed in both legs from my abdomen to my ankles. At 8:00 a.m. I was at the medical clinic had they scanned my legs and reported to my medical doctor that I had deep vein thrombosis. He sent me home instead of admitting me to the hospital. The next day a nurse came to see me and I showed her in my medical book that I should be in the hospital and she agreed and called the doctor. He said I was expecting too much and refused to admit me. The next day the nurse came again and she said I will get all your vital signs and call the doctor and see if I can’t get you admitted to the hospital. After some discussion, he told her to call an ambulance and I was taken to Tri-City Hospital, Oceanside, where I continued to be given only Coumadin.
When my doctor came in to see me, he examined me and said, “Boy, you have a beaut; when did this happen? I related the above to him and said that when I had this before in 1984, I was given Heparin for two months. He said, “We know more now how to treat these problems.” So I laid there for 2 days with only Coumadin. This resulted in a four day delay before proper treatment began with Heparin. He stopped the herbal tea and other treatments of Dr. Yeh.
On the weekend, the alternate doctor, Dr. Donald Wentzel, saw me and when he heard my story, he said, “We will get you started on a treatment program.” In came the IV Heparin, the Ringer’s Solution, like my treatment in 1984. This continued for four weeks. Then I was told that my HMO would not continue to pay for my stay in the hospital after my treatment for six weeks was completed. There was no more the doctors and hospital could do for my condition. They called in Medi-Cal because they said my treatment was completed and I was not able to continue home. I would have to transfer to Vista Del Mar Care Center. My original doctor who caused the problem told my sons that I might never recover; I had a very serious problem and he couldn’t do any more for me. A blood clot could let loose and hit my lungs, brain or heart at any time. After a month at Vista Del Mar Care Center, I went home.
I went back to Dr. Timothy Yeh and showed him my leg. He said, “that’s not the same leg you had when I last saw you.” I got back on his program. The swelling began to slowly come down and the skin around my lower leg began to slowly turn pink again. The rope like cords in my upper legs, which were veins, gradually became soft. For months I walked very little.
I am writing about this August 30, 1994. My prostate is normal, my blood pressure is 130/70 mmHg; my diabetes is almost non-existent. I had an MRI scan at Mercy Hospital in San Diego in October of 1990; and it showed arthritis all through my spine and hip joints. The doctor had said he would authorize the replacement of both of my hips in 1989. Now my arthritis is much better. The numbness in my hands and fingers is gone. The bald area of my head began to fill in with hair; my hair became less gray and more black. My legs are almost as good as new and I feel better now than when I was 33 years old.
I signed up with another HMO and have found an excellent medical doctor. I went over the history of my legs and he looked over my pills. He said, “Its interesting, I don’t know anything about herbal medicine. Doctors don’t know everything; good doctors will admit it.” When your medical doctor says, “You have to learn to live with it, there is nothing more I can do”, it is time to try alternative methods of treatment. When you are sick and tired of being sick, go see Dr. Yeh’s Clinic of Natural Medicine. He will be honest with you; he can treat many diseases western medical doctors can not treat. If he can’t help you he will tell you.
Try the Yeh Clinic of Natural Medicine. I am a modern day miracle. God has answered my prayers. He has healed me. Thank you Dr. Timothy Yeh for your Natural Medicine Clinic. Thank you heavenly father for answering my prayers!
Oceanside, California
“After 2 months of treatment, the smell was completely gone, the wound was completely healed and my foot was pronounced saved by both Dr. Yeh and my surgeon.”
The four thousand year old discipline of Chinese traditional medicine can heal or control many diseases or ailments which are the despair of modern western medicine. Among these are: arthritis, asthma, diabetes, migraine, phlebitis, osteoporosis, stress, hair loss and stroke. Chinese traditional medicine, also called Natural Medicine, uses principally a combination of diet, herbal teas or capsules, and acupuncture.
The author of this article is a diabetic who was sentenced to have his left foot amputated in November, 1989 by modern medicine. After a leg bypass in each leg to improve the blood circulation in his feet, it appeared that the operation on the left leg was not successful.
A persistent infection was apparent in the left foot and defied all treatment, including strong antibiotics, bed rest and more surgery. In an attempt to remove the source of the infection, my surgeon cut a huge wound in the right side of my left foot, seeking to remove the offending material. Unfortunately it was located behind a bone and more penetration of the foot would have destroyed it in any event. At that point, my doctors decreed that the only solution was amputation of the foot to avoid the risk of the infection spreading throughout my blood stream and threatening my life.
Fortunately, my roommate at the hospital where I was quartered at the time was visited by his granddaughter. She told me about Dr. Timothy Yeh, who practiced Natural Medicine and had done remarkable things for her and many of her friends, one of whom was a diabetic.
Since I had nothing to lose by seeking his assistance, I discharged myself from the hospital and commenced treatments with Dr. Timothy Yeh. He prescribed a strict and entirely new diet for me, an herbal tea formula and acupuncture in both legs. Within three weeks, I noticed a marked improvement in my left foot. The color was much better, the foul putrid smell started to subside and the huge wound on the side of my foot was noticeably healing.
After 2 months of treatment, the smell was completely gone, the wound was completely healed and my foot was pronounced saved by both Dr. Yeh and my surgeon. My surgeon informed me I had strong pulses in each foot, indicating good blood circulation, the color and skin tone of my feet and legs were excellent, and that he had never seen such a spectacular recovery, particularly in a diabetic of my age.
I am sixty-seven year old. I am still on Dr. Yeh’s diet and am taking herbal teas and capsules to maintain my exceptional well being.
Attorney at Law