“After a period of about eight months, my eczema was completely gone and my asthma was unbelievably better.”I came to find the Yeh Center of Natural Medicine about ten years ago. I am now 20 years old. I was suffering from severe eczema and asthma. I was about ten years old at the time and had these diseases since birth. I can clearly remember my mother taking me to many different doctors. They would prescribe different creams that were meant to make the itchy rashes all over my body go away. All the creams would do was irritate my eczema. Nothing we tried seemed to show any results. My mother was very afraid that I would have irritated rashes from head to toe for the rest of my life.

One day I can remember my mother telling me that she was taking me to a Natural Medicine Doctor. Dr. Yeh told my mother that he could also treat my asthma. I didn’t know how acupuncture could in any way make me breath easier or make my skin normal.

I started taking acupuncture treatments and herbs. After a period of about eight months, my eczema was completely gone and my asthma was unbelievably better. I was astonished. I strongly believe in and advise natural medicine to people suffering from illness like I was.

Fallbrook, California


“By Faith Thou Shalt be Healed.”

I first came to the Yeh Center of Natural Medicine to get treated for eczema. I have suffered with thi skin condition for over 15 years but it has become more severe in the last 5 years. I have always been in good general health, but suffered from seasonal flare-ups of eczema in sweat glands areas. The symptoms of this condition includes severe itching, redness, and flaky skin. In addition, I was extremely frustrated and it was aesthetically displeasing. This gave me limitations to what I could wear. Before coming to the Yeh Center, I would get cortisone shots and allergy medication from my dermatologist. This only caused recurring problems each allergy season.

I first came to the Yeh Center for a personal visit of an acquaintance. Based on my personal knowldge of the Yeh’s and their personal faithfulness in God. I decided to give them a try. They were very supportive, especially upon getting quick results. I was impressed with their friendly staff and personal care. I was not a firm believer of natural medicine. Only based on a mutual religious faith shared with the Yeh’s, that I am willing to try it out. They gave me herbal medicine, acupuncture and nutritional guidelines. The teas were to be taken three times a day and the acupuncture was given weekly as well as changing my diets. The results were quick and wonderful , giving me relief from continuous itching. Within one week, the redness in my skin decreased and the flaking reduced. My family was happy for me and I am not as agitated as before. I feel more comfortable in my choice of clothes. Everyone was very friendly and professional with kind and patient demeanors. I find that I am 70-90% better. I didn’t expect to get the results so quickly. But I had faith in the great healer, who has given His medicine to His servant Dr. Yeh. My friends and love ones were very impressed and may have followed my recommendation to seek help with Dr. Yeh. I now feel very positive but still hesiatant to seeking treatments at other natural medicine clinics. My trust in Dr. Yeh’s integrity is greater than my trust in other clinics. The Yeh’s have played an important role in giving me relief from and annoying and ugly condition and I appreciate their help and their friendly support in every way. I believe they are instuments of healing.

Nov. 01, 2005