The Yeh Way™ of Natural Medicine

     Point Comprehensive Examinations

    12 Types of Natural Medicine

    Acupuncture Treatments

    Herbal Remedies

    Nutritional Supplements

    Natural Perfume

The Future Of Medicine Is Here Now

Patient Education & Seminars

Comprehensive Patient Examinations

12 Types of
Natural Medicine

Yeh Herbal & Nutritional Products

This is the Natural Way, The Yeh Way™On-Site Patient Services – Medical Evaluations, Herbal Formulations, Prescription Herbal Teas, Acupuncture, Beauty Treatments and Wellness Seminars

Yeh Natural Medicine Introduction

Yeh Natural Medicine Clinics

Headed by Dr. Timothy Yeh, Ph.D., OMD, L.Ac. who has over 50 years of medical experience in both modern and natural medicines. Documented records and patient testimonials report of our successful treatment programs for many difficult diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, seizures, Crohn’s disease, tumors, cysts, diabetes, infertility, and many more.

Dr. Timothy Yeh has also helped cancer patients gain full recovery. Dr. Pearl Yeh, PH.D. is a licensed esthetician and has doctorate degree in oriental medicine. She has been helping patients with acne, hair loss, weight gain, weight loss, wrinkles, spots and many other Youth & beauty problems for 27 years.

Together, the Yeh’s with their excellent medical associates are the pioneers of natural medicine in the United States.

Over 50 Years of Medical Experience! Over 500,000 Patients Treated!